I Find Myself... | Giftie Etcetera: I Find Myself...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I Find Myself...

Trying to blog, but with little to say.

Ander has started using some sentences, particularly if he gets to sign them. More milk, please. More food, please. Ma ma, up. Okay, I guess those are phrases more than sentences, but you get the point.

I'm hiring a new student worker at the office, because my old one is going off to another college.

I really want to review HP, but can't do it without spoilers.



Anonymous said...

you should organize a gathering for all the people that have read it to discuss the book...

Rachel said...

Also, you could lend me your copy so I can read it too. I bet I can finish before Alan gets through book 6.

Beorn said...

Welcome to my world! Seriously, your life can't possibly be more unbloggable than mine has been in the months since I was gearing up for my general exams, but I DO take your meaning. If something happens that I (or someone else, even) finds vaguely interesting, I'll make it a point to tell people about it. Maybe when I finally finish Deathly Hallows...