Like the Wind | Giftie Etcetera: Like the Wind

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Like the Wind

I went running this morning. I ran slowly and only about half a mile, but I ran the whole time. After not working out for over a year (due to the miscarriage and the pregnancy), it felt really good to get out there. I'll do a mile on Saturday and then I'll start increasing intensity (and stay at a mile for a while).

We spent the weekend with mother-in-law. Loki definitely has colic. Luckily, he liked MIL, so she held him the whole time. Well, except at night. At night, the parents cried and moaned and begged the baby to sleep.



Mathochist said...

What kind of bra do you wear when you run? I haven't been able to run since the 10th grade. I gave up trying because it hurt so bad. Does the bouncing not bother you? Esp. while lactating?

Giftie Etcetera said...

LOL. Yes. And Yes. And a tight sports bra, but while lactating, two looser sports bras.