Still To Do | Giftie Etcetera: Still To Do

Friday, July 18, 2008

Still To Do

Ander arrived just six weeks from now, relative to where I am at in this pregnancy. The baby's room is not done. The closets (needed for baby stuff) are not cleaned out. The kitchen and our bedroom is a wreck. I cannot find my brown shoes. (Who the heck loses an entire pair of shoes? Sigh.)

I'm on this stupid GD diet, and it means an extra hour or two of work a day, planning, and testing, and cooking, and shopping. It's expensive ('cause protein costs tons more than carbs).

And I have a head cold and am tired.

On the positive side (see how considerate I am, trying not to drag all of you down?), I had coffee with Doris last night! What a breathe of fresh air.


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