Adam and Eve | Giftie Etcetera: Adam and Eve

Monday, March 30, 2009

Adam and Eve

For Lent, we are talking to Ander about God everyday. The other day, we talked about Adam and Eve. We tried to explain the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then we gave up, and just explained it was the "to not to" Tree. You know, because Mater says, "to not to." Sigh.

Ander listened patiently.

Then he exclaimed. "I know Eve! She's on Wall-E."


Loki ate half a jar of carrots and half a jar of green beans today. After 4 weeks of trying, at almost 7 months of age, he deemed to swallow a couple of bites, before restarting his game of clap, spit, and smile.

Progress. Baby steps. Appreciating the little things.



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